Long live May 1st!

Anyone who knows the OGBL knows that every year at this time the preparations for May 1st are in full swing. The importance and significance of this holiday is well known to all our readers.

But in a super election year, with politicians holding campaign rallies all the time and a full calendar of festivals and concerts, our union holiday is in danger of being drowned out. Although we’ll be celebrating together again in Neumünster Abbey, as we have for over 15 years, our May Day is much more than just a concert. And even though this year some politicians will join us for a toast, our Labor Day is much more than just a party.

That’s why it’s important for us to remember that this very special day every year pays tribute to the men and women who have fought for great social achievements since the beginning of the trade union movement. On

May Day is celebrated, as it should be. But we don’t just celebrate trade union victories of the past! Celebrating past gains means defending and building on them. That’s why May Day is also a day of forward-looking political demands.

With this in mind, the OGBL has once again decided to combine its cultural celebrations with its political May Day. Everything will take place on the same day. In the morning, we’ll gather for the May Day speech before the Fête du Travail et des Cultures takes over. Every year, many people come here to celebrate, to listen to concerts, to participate in workshops and to see shows. Friends and families, militants and OGBL members come together to share the essence of a syndicate: social cohesion.

In the morning, we’ll gather for the May Day speech before the Fête du Travail et des Cultures.

As already mentioned, this year, a few months before the national elections, it is particularly important for the OGBL to address its main demands to the political parties.

For more tax justice. For an increase in the social minimum wage. For a reduction in working hours with full pay. For the improvement of our pension system. And, of course, for the defense of the index.

These and many other demands must be made on May 1st and beyond for a future with greater social justice.

It is precisely in times of economic uncertainty, multiple crises and rising inflation that the collective power of workers is under attack. This is currently the case in our neighboring countries, where attempts are being made to weaken the trade union movement. It is clear that only solidarity within the syndicate can repel all attacks.

In these times of fear-mongering rhetoric and constant attacks on our wages and benefits, we need strong syndicates more than ever. That’s why we need to be out in force on May 1, 2023.

The pre-election period is also an opportunity to take political stock. Politics cannot claim to have been successful if social inequalities are exacerbated rather than reduced.

We don’t need false promises, we need strong action. May Day is also an opportunity to hold up a mirror to the government and redefine political priorities. That’s why we will be together on May Day 2023.

Only together will we be strong. For our future.

Long live international solidarity, long live the free trade union movement and long live May Day!

Nora Back, OGBL President