Let’s gather for the feminist march on March 8, 2023!

Let’s come together for the feminist march on March 8, 2023, International Women’s*[1] Rights Day!

Are you convinced of the need to lead the debate on equality and social justice in Luxembourg? Do you want to support the demands of the IWD platform and continue on the path towards gender equality in our society? Then let’s march together for a more inclusive and just society on Wednesday, March 8, 2023, starting at 17:00 at Place Hamilius, Luxembourg City! This march is a symbol of the union of all those who stand up for the rights and duties of citizens, regardless of sex or gender!

The year 2023 is marked by a war on Europe’s doorstep, the social, economic and political consequences of a major health crisis in Luxembourg’s households, and a global climate crisis.

On the occasion of March 8, 2023 – the international day of struggle for women’s rights – the feminist platform JIF would like to reiterate more than ever the need to include the question of gender and equality in all policies and social issues in Luxembourg.

Even today, single mothers are the ones who bear the brunt of an exponentially increasing financial burden, a cost that is particularly high for the most disadvantaged social classes, thus increasing the risk of poverty. Of course, we’re also thinking of the health sector – all professions combined – whose difficult working conditions have been made visible by the pandemic.

The fight for equality, and especially for women’s rights, is still not a foregone conclusion! On the contrary! The right to affordable housing, to a life free of violence, to fair working conditions and to a fair division of professional and care work are still essential facts to be promoted today and are linked to the gender issue! In this context, the JIF platform stresses the importance of continuing to include gender and equality issues in all political, economic and social debates, so that political bodies and social actors can understand and take concrete, realistic and appropriate action in Luxembourg.

In this context, the main demands of the JIF platform are still valid and therefore the JIF platform is all the more assertive:

A roof over one’s head: JIF demands the fundamental right to housing, both in law and in practice. This implies several actions in the immediate and medium term towards people from different social constellations – for example, by increasing the capacity to accommodate victims of domestic violence, homeless people or even women with special needs, or by guaranteeing a constitutional right to affordable and decent housing.

A life free from violence: Despite the first internationally binding convention signed on July 3, 2018,[2] which covers all forms of violence against women and girls thanks to its integrated, multidisciplinary approach and gender perspective, significant efforts are still needed in everyday life in Luxembourg. Among the demands of the JIF platform, it is essential to support civil society actors in their work to raise awareness and prevent all forms of violence against women and girls. Opening up the debate, breaking down stereotypes and giving a voice to all those concerned, interested and affected by the issue of violence (in whatever form it takes) is an essential task for those working in the field as well as for political institutions.

Money to live on: Despite the apparent narrowing of the gender pay gap in Luxembourg, the reality is that women still earn less than men. Currently, it’s mostly women who have part-time or reduced work contracts, which reduces their purchasing power both as workers and as retirees.

More equality in our families: The change of the parental models must allow all parents to accompany the first years of a child’s life with serenity and financial stability. For the JIF platform, the creation of a three-month maternity leave, with full pay, would enable all households to guarantee the calm and secure care of each child.

In order to continue the global struggle for women’s rights, the JIF Feminist Platform calls on everyone to join the Feminist March in Luxembourg. The driving force behind this feminist march is tolerance and noise! Bring your pots, drums or other musical instruments and wear purple accessories so that everyone on the street can hear our demands and our movement on International Women’s Rights Day.

Press Release February 23, 2023


The Feminist March is an initiative of the JIF Feminist Platform.
Signatory members: ASTI, Centre LGBTIQ+ CIGALE, CID | Fraen an Gender, Conseil National des Femmes du Luxembourg CNFL, déi greng, déi jonk gréng, déi Lénk, Femmes en détresse, Femmes socialistes, OGBL Equality, Planning Familial, Sweet Josephine
Supporting signatories: Centre for Ecological Learning CELL, Rosa Lëtzebuerg

[1] * symbol “*” which includes anyone who does not identify with either the feminine or masculine gender.

[2] On July 3, 2018, the Chamber of Deputies passed the draft law approving the Council of Europe’s Istanbul Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and girls and domestic violence.