Pension reform in France

The OGBL shows lasting solidarity

After several days of mobilization against the French government’s pension reform, French unions are calling for a day of strikes and blockades on March 7. Open-ended strikes have already been announced in several sectors and companies.

As in previous days of mobilization, the OGBL once again expresses its solidarity with the French workers and their unions who are fighting against an unfair reform aimed at raising the retirement age, which is rejected by a large majority of the French population.

IMG_1961A day of action began this morning with the unfurling of a banner on the A3 motorway near Dudelange reading “Tous ensemble pour nos retraites” (“All together for our pensions”).

Later in the morning, an OGBL delegation will also visit a picket line in Moselle to lend its support.

Finally, large OGBL delegations will take part in the demonstrations called by the inter-union in Longwy and Metz.

On previous days of mobilization, OGBL delegations of up to 150 people have already taken part in demonstrations, especially in Metz. The French cross-border workers sections of the OGBL also play an active role in discussions within the local intersyndicales.

Many French cross-border workers are directly or indirectly affected by the reform project. Many of them have mixed careers and/or spouses working in France.

The OGBL once again calls on the French government to withdraw this draft reform immediately and announces that it will participate in all the actions that will take place after this first day of strikes and blockades.

OGBL press release,
March 7, 2023