HUSKY Technologies: 155 jobs threatened! Unions demand a job protection plan!

On March 29, the management of Husky Technologies informed the staff delegation as well as the OGBL and LCGB that 155 jobs will be lost in Dudelange due to the company’s decision to withdraw from the special molding system solutions business.

After Dupont Teijin Films (DTF), this announcement is the second major cutback in Luxembourg’s industry within a few weeks.

The staff delegation and the unions were informed barely an hour before the workforce. The timing and manner of the announcement are unacceptable. On the eve of Easter, employees and their families are uncertain about their future.

The staff delegation, together with the unions, categorically refused to negotiate a possible social plan.

The OGBL and the LCGB demand the immediate implementation of a job protection plan (plan de maintien dans l’emploi – PME) in order to avoid any redundancies.

All means must be used to maintain jobs!

A PME could make it possible to use all social support measures to avoid job losses through measures such as early retirement, manpower loans, but also professional reorientation through training.

Given the seriousness of the situation, the OGBL and LCGB have asked the management to organize a joint meeting with representatives of the ministries concerned, which will take place on April 5, in order to obtain the necessary support and accompaniment in this matter.

In light of the recent announcements in the industrial sector, the unions’ national demand for the creation of a reclassification cell (cellule de reclassement – CDR), as requested during the meetings with the ministers in connection with the DTF dossier, is confirmed.

The trade unions, strongly supported by the staff delegation, will use all the means at their disposal to safeguard the existence of the employees and their jobs and to avoid redundancies!

Press release March 29, 2023