Cooperation agreement between AMELUX and OGBL

Together for the revaluation of the craftmanship

After having collaborated for several months on the subject of the revalorization of the craftmanship and initial vocational training, the Association des Maîtres d’Enseignement du Luxembourg (AMELUX a.s.b.l.) and the OGBL now formalize and deepen their cooperation.

A collaboration agreement has just been signed between the two organizations, which foresees the integration of AMELUX in the structures of the OGBL, more precisely in its Education and Science Syndicate (SEW/OGBL). AMELUX will thus become part of the SEW/OGBL structures and will participate in the syndicate’s activities and collaborate closely with the Secondary Department of the syndicate in all matters relating to initial vocational training.

At the same time, the OGBL commits itself to support AMELUX in its efforts to promote the craftmanship and the professional interests of “maîtres d’enseignement” in public education, starting with the support of its demand that the master’s qualification be raised to level 6 of the Luxembourg Qualifications Framework (CLQ).

Communicated by AMELUX and OGBL,
March 30, 2023