Accord on Collective Bargaining Agreement for Luxembourg Steelworkers

The management of ArcelorMittal in Luxembourg and representatives of the OGBL and LCGB have reached an agreement on the CBA for Steelworkers in Luxembourg, which will lead to an improvement in the purchasing power of employees.

As part of the negotiations on the collective agreement, several meetings have been held between management and union representatives since the talks began in September 2022.

A three-year agreement has been reached, focusing mainly on compensation, which the unions have identified as a priority issue.

During the discussions, against the background of two consecutive years of good results for the company, which is grateful to its employees, several successive proposals on compensation were made by the parties. The aim of each proposal was to improve the purchasing power of the employees and to maintain the benefits of the collective agreement, while at the same time maintaining the company’s competitiveness in a highly unstable international environment.

All of these proposals represent an improvement in compensation for the years 2023, 2024 and 2025.

Management and union representatives are pleased with the quality of the social dialogue, which has been conducted in a spirit of progress and with the aim of maintaining the company’s competitiveness and attractiveness: “Together with the employees, we will be able to face the many challenges ahead to enable ArcelorMittal in Luxembourg to build its future with decarbonized, competitive and innovative steel”.

Press release October 2, 2023