Strengthening the union of progressive forces

A delegation of the LSAP and a delegation of the OGBL Executive Board met on November 28 to share their respective analyses of the new government’s coalition agreement. At the meeting, LSAP and OGBL noted that the government’s plan is characterized by a conservative-liberal approach. The LSAP and OGBL therefore share a certain concern about the measures announced, particularly in the areas of labor law, pensions and health care.

In the area of labor law, the discussions focused on making the organization of working hours in companies more flexible, extending Sunday work, and introducing hourly “job vouchers”. It is clear to both the LSAP and the OGBL that such changes will have a dramatic impact on workers. The LSAP and OGBL will monitor the development of these policies with the utmost vigilance and will discuss them as soon as necessary.

In the face of these conservative-liberal policies, it goes without saying that the progressive forces of Luxembourg society must unite. This is to ensure that social gains are not jeopardized, while continuing to work, each in his or her own role, for a fairer society based on solidarity.

Press release of OGBL and LSAP
December 1, 2023