The main tasks of the Cement, Ceramics, Chemistry, Glass, Paper, Plastic, Rubber, Textiles and Wood Syndicate, in abbreviated form Chemistry Syndicate, are to defend the interests of our members, in particular through our collective bargaining policy and our positions on all issues related to the world of work.

Collective bargaining in companies enables us to defend the interests of employees as closely as possible. This by taking into account the situation of the company and of each type of work. With a real power relationship vis-à-vis the companies, we restore balance in the working relationship and we are committed to real social progress.

News from the syndicate

Press releases from Cement, Ceramics, Chemistry, Glass, Paper, Plastic, Rubber, Textiles and Wood Syndicate

Renouvellement de la convention collective de travail des salariés chez Heintz van Landewyck et Landewyck Tobacco


L’OGBL, syndicat majoritaire chez Heintz van Landewyck, et le LCGB ont récemment signé avec la direction de HVL le renouvellement …

Sozialplan bei Tarkett GDL

Plan social chez Tarkett GDL : les syndicats sauvent un tiers des emplois menacés


L’OGBL et le LCGB ont signé le 13 mai 2024 un plan social avec la direction de Tarkett GDL à …

Tarkett GDL annonce vouloir licencier 126 salariés !

Les syndicats mettront tout en œuvre pour éviter un démantèlement social aussi brutal!


L’OGBL et le LCGB ont été informés le 23 avril 2024 par la direction de Tarkett GDL que l’entreprise envisage …

Social Elections

OGBL is the big winner!


The day after the elections of the staff delegations, it’s clear that the OGBL is already the big winner. According …

Social Elections

OGBL wins over a large number of companies


On March 12, 2024, all employees working in Luxembourg in companies with at least 15 employees were called to elect …

Renewal of the collective bargaining agreement for Chemolux staff


The OGBL and Chemolux management recently signed the renewal of the collective agreement covering some 250 employees at the Foetz …