
The OGBL offers you protection...

…through a range of free or discounted offers, for example for insurance, provident funds, medical emergencies and building savings plans.

Leisure accident insurance

The group accident insurance taken out by the OGBL with Bâloise Assurances entitles members to benefit in the event of an accident in private life, declared to the OGBL (e-mail to or letter to Service Gestion des Membres – 31, avenue G.D. Charlotte – L-3441 Dudelange) by submitting the form within 8 days, of a sum of €3,750 in the event of the member’s death and in the event of disability of more than 10% of a maximum sum of €13,500. In the event of death by accident, a death certificate must be attached to the declaration.

This insurance is valid throughout the world and covers accidents suffered by the insured person in the course of his/her private life, not occurring during a professional or paid activity or on the way to work. The practice of sports is included in the insurance, except for air sports in all their forms, participation in and preparation for cycle races and motor vehicle competitions.

The insurance is extended to the accidental death of dependent children, unless they are themselves members of the OGBL. The amount payable is however limited to half.

If an accident causes the death of the insured within two years, the death benefit is paid.

If the same accident causes the death of the insured and his/her spouse, the amount due to dependent children is doubled.

If an accident is initially reported as an accident at work but is subsequently not recognised as such and is then reported without delay as an accident in private life, it is considered to have been reported on time.

Professional liability and legal protection insurance in certain sectors and for certain professions

Professional drivers

Members of the OGBL Syndicat Transport sur Route / ACAL, drivers of vehicles not registered in their name and which do not belong to them, can take out legal protection insurance concluded between the OGBL and Lalux at a price of €3.00 per month which covers the costs of legal proceedings and provides other services directly related to the insurance cover, in particular with a view to obtaining compensation for damage suffered by the insured person, amicably or in civil or criminal proceedings, or to defend or represent the insured person in civil, criminal, administrative or other proceedings, or against a claim made against him/her.

For the general terms and conditions of this legal protection group insurance policy please contact

Teachers and other education professionals

Members of the OGBL’s Education and Science Union (Syndikat Erzéiung a Wëssenschaft – SEW) benefit from free civil liability insurance concluded between the Fédération Générale des Instituteurs Luxembourgeois – FGIL and Foyer Assurances which covers up to 3,720,000 € per event with a limit of 372,000 € for material and immaterial consequential damage that the insured may incur in the event of bodily injury or material damage caused to third parties, caused inter alia by SEW members during their school activities, pre-school and extra-curricular activities as well as all extra-curricular activities taking place under their supervision and pursuing an educational, cultural or sporting aim or as a result of the use of motor vehicles, with the exception of vehicles falling within the scope of the law laying down the terms and conditions of compulsory motor vehicle insurance. The insurance cover is extended to the personal civil liability of children under the authority of the insured. The insurance covers both the guarantee of well-founded claims and the defence against unjustified claims.

The insured is obliged to report the damage in writing to Foyer Assurances (telephone +352 437 43 44, e-mail immediately and at the latest within 8 days of the date on which he became aware of the damage, except in the case of force majeure or fortuitous event. In this case, Foyer Assurances must be notified as soon as reasonably possible.

The insurance is valid in the countries of the European Union, as well as in Andorra, the Vatican State, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Norway, San Marino and Switzerland.

Health professionals and students

OGBL members exercising one of the health professions listed in the law, the function of certified socio-family carer, the profession of life assistant and members in training for these professions automatically and free of charge benefit from professional liability insurance, concluded between the OGBL and Bâloise Assurances, which covers, up to €5,000,000 per event with a limit of €500,000 for material damage, the pecuniary consequences of the civil liability that could fall on the insured as a result of errors, negligence or faults committed in the exercise of their profession/function.
The insurance is valid in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
The insured person is obliged to report the loss to Bâloise Assurances (by telephone from 08:30 to 17:00 on +352 290 190 777, e-mail Bâloise) immediately and at the latest within 8 days of becoming aware of the loss, except in cases of force majeure or fortuitous event.

Employed pharmacists without pharmacies, pharmacy assistants, assistants and assistants in training

Members of the OGBL, salaried pharmacists without a pharmacy (can also be members of the non-profit association. Syndical des pharmaciens sans officine), pharmacy assistants and auxiliary staff as well as pharmacy assistants in training, part of whose training takes place in pharmacies, benefit automatically and free of charge from professional liability insurance, concluded between the OGBL and Bâloise Assurances, which covers, up to €5,000,000 per event with a limit of €500,000 for material damage, the civil liability that could be incurred by them for damage resulting from the exercise of their profession.
The insurance is valid in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
The insured person is obliged to report the claim in writing to Bâloise Assurances (by telephone from 8.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on +352 290 190 777, e-mail Bâloise) immediately and at the latest within 8 days following the date on which he became aware of the claim, except in cases of force majeure or fortuitous event.

Preferential conditions at Air Rescue, Bâloise Assurances, CMH, DKV and GMI

Air Rescue

In the event of a medical emergency, OGBL members can benefit from the services of a well-structured organization and the assistance of a professional and competent team at a preferential rate.

Individual contribution: 61 €/year instead of 76 €. Family contribution: 99 €/year instead of 129 €.

For more information, call +352 48 90 06 or send an e-mail to You can also download the membership form here.

Bâloise Insurance

OGBL members who wish to take out insurance with Bâloise Assurances receive a discount on the premium on presentation of their membership card and proof of membership.

– of 15% on Drive, a car insurance with the possibility of choosing from 5 formulas adapted to your needs;

– 15% on Home, a home insurance with the choice to personalize your level of cover via 3 packages;

  • of 25% on Bsafe, an accident insurance that can be customized via 3 formulas according to the profile to be insured.
  • If you wish, contact Bâloise Assurances by searching for the nearest agent on

Helicopter Medical Centre of Bra sur Lienne – CMH

Belgian border workers who are members of the OGBL can take advantage of the partnership agreement concluded with the Helicopter Medical Centre of Bra sur Lienne – CMH. The CMH is an emergency medical service, available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, for any urgent medical assistance ordered by 112.

Family contribution: 45€/year instead of 57€. Individual contribution: 30€/year instead of 35€. If you are interested, simply pay the amount of your contribution to the account of the CMH in Bra-sur-Lienne, IBAN BE34 2480 4404 4090, BIC GEBABEBB with the communication “Member OGBL”. For a family card, do not forget to send a certificate of household composition to the CMH – rue Bierleux, 69 – B-4990 Bra-sur-Lienne (Lierneux).

Deutsche Krankenversicherung – DKV Luxembourg

Members of the OGBL can take out a tailor-made private health insurance policy with DKV Luxembourg for themselves and their families, with special conditions negotiated exclusively and offering reimbursement of the costs of inpatient hospitalisation, first class hospital patient, free choice of doctor and dentist, reimbursement of the costs of alternative therapies, treatment by the head doctor, consequent reimbursement of dental care and dentures, coverage for glasses and lenses, unlimited time coverage throughout Europe, one month’s coverage outside Europe and tax-deductible contributions.

If you are interested, you can contact DKV Luxembourg S.A. without any obligation by telephone on +352 42 64 64 666, by fax on +352 42 64 64 250 or by e-mail at

Group of Independent Mutuals – GMI

As a French cross-border worker and member of the OGBL, Groupe des Mutuelles Indépendantes – GMI offers you a preferential rate to be reimbursed for the costs of your healthcare received in France and in the Grand Duchy and to benefit in addition from an accident insurance module adapted to your mobility.

For more information, contact the Villerupt branch by telephone on +33 3 82 89 20 03, by fax on +33 3 82 89 49 40 or the Longwy-Bas branch by telephone on +33 3 82 24 39 09, by fax on +33 3 82 23 22 37 or one of the two by e-mail
