Negotiations for the renewal of the collective bargaining agreement

Management of Coca-Cola Luxembourg continues to block negotiations

Since the opening of negotiations with the OGBL and employee representatives in November 2022, Coca-Cola Luxembourg management has continued to block discussions on the renewal of the collective agreement.

The start of negotiations was already marred by a lack of transparency on the part of management, which failed to present the company’s financial results in Luxembourg. Worse, it had completely ignored the employees’ list of demands and proposed a single bonus of a ridiculous amount for the year 2023.

The employees’ catalogue of demands called for a three-year agreement, including regular wage increases. That was the main demand. Unfortunately, from the outset, the employers’ side seemed to deny the social dialogue normally practiced in Luxembourg, refusing to communicate figures transparently and threatening to break off negotiations if the OGBL did not accept this proposal. A ridiculous proposal in view of the company’s recently published results: 276 million euros in profits for 2022 alone!

In this context, it was inevitable that the OGBL would have to acknowledge the failure of the talks. So in early June, the OGBL turned to the National Conciliation Service (ONC). Under pressure, Coca-Cola management finally agreed to discuss wage increases. However, the company’s proposal remains very modest and far from the employees’ demands.

Offering a symbolic one euro in recognition of the hard work of workers who have contributed to the company’s prosperity is nothing short of insulting.

After consulting with the company’s employees, the OGBL could only reject the latest proposal from Coca-Cola’s management, which seems unwilling to break the deadlock.

In this context, the OGBL, together with the staff, is prepared to take whatever industrial action is necessary to win the case. The industrial action will commence shortly.

Press release from the OGBL Commerce Syndicate, September 25, 2023