New collective bargaining agreement at Dupont de Nemours includes wage improvements
The OGBL and the LCGB have reached an agreement with the management of Dupont de Nemours on a new collective agreement for the Luxembourg site, valid for three years from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2025.
The new agreement for the approximately 840 employees includes the following measures
One-time bonuses:
- Payment of a one-time bonus of €500 to each employee subject to the role design principle in March 2023 (already paid);
- Payment of a one-time bonus of €750 to each employee subject to role design and single role in March 2024;
- Payment of a one-time bonus of €750 to each employee subject to role design and single role in March 2025.
Subject to legal requirements, the payment will be made in the form of a participatory bonus, which means that 50% of the bonus will be tax exempt in accordance with article 115 number 13a of the Income Tax Law (loi concernant l’impôt sur le revenu – L.I.R.).
Average merit increases:
Agreement on an average annual “merit” increase of 1.2% for employees subject to the Single Role Principle for the years 2023 (already implemented), 2024 and 2025. The adjustment will be made in March of each year.
Vacation allowance increase:
Vacation allowance will be adjusted as follows and paid in May of each year:
Old Vacation Allowance | New Vacation Allowance beginning in 2024 |
up to 5 years of service | €448 | €600 |
up to 10 years of service | €510 | €650 |
up to 15 years of service | €571 | €700 |
up to 20 years of service | €633 | €750 |
up to 25 years of service | €757 | €850 |
up to 30 years of service | €881 | €950 |
over 30 years of service | €1,005 | €1,005 |
Conversion of normal holidays for shift workers:
The normal holidays of Lundi gras, Lundi de la Braderie in Luxembourg-City and the 4 hours of All Saints’ Day, which currently still exist for shift workers, will be converted and compensated by 4 additional days off.
As of January 1, 2024, the leave entitlement for shift workers will therefore be as follows
- 0-4 years seniority: 36.5 days
- 5-8 years seniority: 37.5 days
- 9-12 years of service: 38.5 days
- 13-16 years of service: 39.5 days
- 17 years or more of seniority: 40.5 days
Increase in daily supplement for temporary transfers from 25.5% to 26%.
Various text simplifications and updates to reflect new collective agreement provisions.
Press Release June 12, 2023