OGBL, LCGB and HIFI INTERNATIONAL: working together for fair treatment of employees and progress in working conditions

The OGBL, the majority union, together with the LCGB and the management of HIFI International, are proud to present the major advances in working conditions agreed as part of the renewal of the collective agreements.

The main objective of the negotiations leading to this agreement was to ensure that skills and performance on the one hand and seniority on the other are valued. The OGBL, the LCGB and the management of HIFI International are pleased to confirm that this objective has been fully achieved, thanks to constructive discussions and a joint commitment to the welfare of around 180 employees.

Here is an overview of the main progress agreed:

  • Introduction of a “People Review” system to define and reward an individual development plan based on performance, potential, ability to move the business forward and seniority.
  • Introduction of a system of automatic upward salary reviews. The aim of this review, which will take place every 6 years at the most, is to ensure regular salary increases through the People Review system and to recognize seniority.
  • A €1,000 voucher for employees with 25 years’ service, underlining the importance of their long-term contribution.
  • Lunch vouchers for all employees. All employees now receive lunch vouchers, a more egalitarian measure aimed at improving benefits for all employees.
  • An 80% increase in pay for Sunday work, i.e. a 10% increase on the legal minimum.
  • Registration and revaluation of the pension voucher. This was increased to 1,500 euros in recognition of the commitment and dedication of retiring employees.
  • Granting of one day’s leave per year for voluntary work.

This collective agreement came into force on 1 July 2024 for a period of three years.

The OGBL, the LCGB and the management of HIFI International are convinced that these advances will enhance employee satisfaction and the sustainability of the company and will contribute to a more fulfilling work environment at HIFI International for years to come.

Communicated by OGBL, LCGB and HIFI International Management,
July 4th, 2024