Renewal of Collective Agreement at Ludec

After several months of negotiations, the OGBL, the company’s sole signatory union, has reached an agreement with Ludec management on the renewal of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) covering the company’s approximately 80 employees.

The new CBA will run from May 1, 2023 to December 31, 2025 and includes the following significant advances:

  • Payment of a 100th anniversary bonus to Rotarex’s parent company. This bonus will be worth up to 1,000 euros for employees with 20 years of service or more.
  • Increases in performance-related bonuses and salaries of up to 1,000 euros per year per employee.
  • Increase in shift premium for affected employees by approximately 10 cents/hour to 0.45 euro/hour.
  • An additional 2 days of vacation for all employees.
  • Increase the seniority bonus from 21 to 25 euros per year of service.
  • Introduction of 16 hours of social leave (e.g. for exams as part of studies, major personal events, medical visits or court summons).
  • Introduction of the principle of teleworking based on current legislation. For Luxembourg residents, the maximum number of days is set at 34.

Press release of the OGBL Metal Processing Syndicate
June 15, 2023