Social plan signed at FB Groupe

The management of FB Groupe and the company’s staff delegation, with the support of OGBL and NGL-Snep, recently signed a social plan.

The social plan is part of the company’s decision to cease production of reinforced concrete slabs. This decision will directly affect 21 workplaces.

The social partners were informed of the company’s intention to proceed with the collective redundancies on January 17, and negotiations took place within the legal deadlines.

Of the 21 employees affected, five will potentially be eligible for early retirement due to corporate restructuring.

Six other employees will be able to start a new job in another Luxembourg company belonging to the Willy Naessens Group, of which FB Groupe is a branch.

Incentives and guarantees linked to their current contracts will be offered to employees who agree to work for the other group company.

In addition, special arrangements have been negotiated for the remaining employees who will have to leave the company.

These employees will be given priority for re-employment within the company and will also be the first to be informed of any vacancies at the Willy Naessens Group in Luxembourg.

The negotiation of the social plan took place in an atmosphere of good will.

Communicated by OGBL and NGL-Snep,
February 16, 2024