Social plan signed at Techprint SA

Following the announcement of the definitive closure of the Techprint printing plant, the OGBL (the only union represented in the delegation), the staff delegation and the company management reached an agreement on the terms of a social plan on July 11, 2023. Techprint was founded in 1989 and is located in Ehlerange.

On June 26, following the consultation procedure required by law, the management confirmed its intention to cut 22 jobs as part of a complete closure of the company by the beginning of 2024. Over the last five years, Techprint has faced a series of structural economic difficulties, largely linked to the rise of digitalization, which have led to a significant decline in business.

Negotiations on the social plan for the employees affected by the mass redundancies took place in a relatively constructive atmosphere and within the legal timeframe.

At the end of six negotiating sessions, the OGBL and the staff delegation were able to negotiate a number of measures in favor of the employees as part of the redundancy plan:

  • the possibility of requesting early retirement for employees who meet the eligibility requirements (subject, of course, to the approval of the authorities)
  • extra-legal allowances linked to the seniority of the employees – it should be noted that the average seniority of the employees concerned is approximately 20 years.
  • extra-legal allowances in the event that employees find a new job during their notice period
  • and a commitment by management to immediately release employees who find new employment during their notice period.

Techprint’s management will also take the necessary steps to ensure that employees benefit from re-employment assistance as well as tax exemption on extra-legal allowances. The company’s management is also committed to helping employees find a new job.

The signatory parties have also agreed to contact the Association des Maîtres Imprimeurs (AMIL) to discuss the possibility of redeployment/replacement of certain employees at the sector level, and the ADEM for assistance and support measures from which the employees could benefit.

The OGBL and its staff representatives remain fully available to support employees throughout the duration of this social plan.


Press release from OGBL Printing, Media and Culture – FLTL Syndicate,
July 11, 2023