The union youth is a component of the OGBL

Until the age of 35, all members of the OGBL are automatically members of the Youth Department.

On the basis of the statutes, action programs and principles of the OGBL, it defends the trade union, political and social demands of the youth.

In this context, the Youth Department has the following priority missions:

  • to arouse the interest of young employees and apprentices in trade union action, to convince them to join and to become active in the trade union;
  • to provide trade union training for young employees and apprentices so that they are able to fight for the defense of their political and social interests;
  • to represent the political, economic, social and cultural interests of young employees and apprentices by means of position papers, statements and activities in all areas of society;
  • to work for international solidarity and the development of international youth movements that serve the promotion of understanding between peoples;
  • collaborate with all representative progressive forces, including youth and student organizations;
  • to represent and defend the interests of youth at all levels of the OGBL and to influence decision-making in this area.

Our news and publications are mostly in French and/or German language. If you need further information in English, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Department press releases


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Table ronde - OGJ - Jungend, Aarbecht & Europa

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