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Legal assistance, establishment of your tax declaration, leisure accident insurance, scholarship for your child…

If you prefer a paper version, pdf versions of our various membership forms are available here.

Thank you for choosing to join the OGBL! Your online membership only takes a few minutes. Please enter your personal data first. Depending on where you live, you will automatically be assigned to one of our sections who will keep you regularly informed about union activities at the local level. We want to send you our magazine, published only in French and German, in the language that suits you best. That is why we ask you to choose one of the two languages. Other publications are also available in English.

Please note that not all communications may be available in 3 languages. We therefore ask you to mark your preferred language with 1 and another language with 2. We try to use the 2nd choice only in exceptional cases.
In order for us to be able to correctly place you in one of our 16 professional syndicates and represent you in the best possible way, we need information about your current professional situation. Of course, your employer will not be informed of your membership in the OGBL unless you opt in the next step under means of payment for wage assignment.
Net salary excluding bonuses*
Please send your school certificate to affiliation@ogbl.lu.
Your monthly membership fee .... €
Please enter your account information.

Authorisation for direct debit

Authorisation for direct debit

In order to be able to contact you more quickly if necessary and to give you the best possible advice, we need more information from you. However, you are free to provide us with this information.

For new members who, prior to their affiliation to the OGBL, have fulfilled for more than 12 months the condition of probation with a national or foreign trade union, member of an international or European trade union to which the OGBL is also affiliated, the 12-month waiting period for legal protection in the field of labour law and statutory civil service law is abolished.
One more click to join the OGBL! By clicking on the button 'Binding membership now' you declare your binding membership.

Please check your details carefully before sending.
Gender :
Last name :
First name :
Date of Birth :
The last 5 digits of your social security number :
Nationality :
1. Communication languages :
2. Communication languages :
Street :
Number :
Postal Code :
City :
Country :
Phone (private) :
Mobile phone (private) :
Phone (professional) :
Email address (professional) :
Email address (private) :
Employer :
Street :
Number :
Postal Code :
City :
Sector :
Type of work/profession :
Place of work/branch :
Occupied as :
type of employment :
I work in :
I want to join the Fédération Générale des Instituteurs Luxembourgeois - FGIL at no extra cost. : Non

I want to join the Association du personnel des centres de compétences et de l’agence: éducatif et psychosocial - APCCA at no extra cost. : Non
Direct debit :
Method of payment :
Previous union :
Membership since :
Recruiter’s first name :
Recruiter’s last name :
Recruiter’s OGBL number :