The Education and Science Syndicate (Syndikat Erzéiung a Wëssenschaft – SEW) is divided into four departments

Primary Education

The Department of Primary Education represents and defends the interests of all professionals involved in public Primary education.

Secondary Education

The Department of Secondary Education represents and defends the interests of the various professionals involved in public classical and general secondary education as well as in initial vocational training.

Higher Education and Research

The department of higher education and research - DESR - is open to all categories of staff in these sectors, whether academic, scientific, administrative, technical or financial, and defends their interests.

Private Education

The department of private education - DEP - is open to all categories of staff of private schools, whether they are teaching staff, student supervisory staff, administrative or technical staff of private basic and secondary schools, to defend their interests.

The Education and Science syndicate of the OGBL (SEW/OGBL) defends the rights and interests of the entire education and research sector in Luxembourg. It is the only completely independent education union in Luxembourg, which represents all types of staff, regardless of their status (civil servant, state employee or private-law employee), their type of contract and their function.

Thus, the SEW/OGBL represents teachers of primary and secondary education, including public international schools, staff of higher education and public research centers, staff of private schools, as well as pedagogical and psychosocial staff working for the Ministry of National Education and Youth.

The SEW/OGBL has four distinct departments: Primary Education, Secondary Education, Higher Education and Research, and Private Education.

In addition to these departments, there are specific committees and/or associations for “chargés de cours” on primary school level (Comité Chargés de cours Landesverband-SEW/OGBL), pedagogical and psychosocial staff (APCCA) and “maîtres d’enseignement” (AMELUX ).

For more details and the latest information from the syndicate, please consult the website

Contact us

Frédéric Krier
Central secretary
Gilles Bestgen
Deputy central secretary
Ben Muller
Deputy central secretary
Melany Da Costa Pereira
Administrative assistant