The Health, Social and Educational Services Syndicate of the OGBL is the most important organization of employees in the health sector, the care and assistance sector and the social sector on a national level.

The OGBL is the spokesperson for all negotiations of collective bargaining agreements (CBA) in the sector concerned:

  1. CBA for employees of Luxembourg hospital establishments (FHL)
  2. CBA for employees in the care and assistance sector and social sector (SAS)
  3. CBA for the employees of the Mondorf Thermal and Health Center
  4. CBA for employees of pharmacies open to the public
  5. CBA for employees of the Laboratoire National de Santé (LNS)
Competent for whom?

We are the union for all employees working in the health, social and educational field: health and socio-educational professionals, administrative, logistic and technical staff, manual workers, craftsmen, etc.

How does the Health, Social and Educational Services Syndicate work?

The Health, Social and Educational Services Syndicate works to defend the interests of the staff in the sectors of activity within its field of action, to make regular and substantial improvements in working conditions and remuneration within the framework of the CBAs and to improve the conditions of professional training in these sectors.

In addition, the syndicate defends the quality of work in the broadest sense, and thus the quality of services in the health, care and social sector, by dealing with general policy issues in the sector.

The syndicate board leadership is elected every 5 years by the OGBL staff representatives of the health sector and the social and educational services sector during the Syndicate Day.
