The Road transport & Navigation/ACAL is the most important national organization of workers in this economic sector.

We are attentive to the needs of all employees in the road transport sector, which depends more than any other sector on European laws, directives and regulations.

News from the syndicate

Press releases from Road transport & Navigation/ACAL syndicate

Après Uber, la prochaine plateforme annonce son arrivée au Luxembourg

L’OGBL s’oppose à toute dégradation des conditions de travail dans le secteur des taxis !


Moins de deux mois après qu’Uber ait annoncé son partenariat avec Webtaxi, une deuxième plateforme multinationale annonce son arrivée au …

Uber, symbole du dumping social, arrive au Luxembourg

L’OGBL exige des garanties pour les travailleurs


La multinationale Uber a annoncé qu’elle allait conclure un partenariat avec l’entreprise de taxis luxembourgeoise Webtaxi afin de lancer ses …

L’OGBL revendique le maintien des lignes de bus usines pour Goodyear


Par voie de communiqué, le ministère de la Mobilité et des Travaux publics, le LCGB et la FEDIL viennent d’annoncer …

Social Elections

OGBL is the big winner!


The day after the elections of the staff delegations, it’s clear that the OGBL is already the big winner. According …

Social Elections

OGBL wins over a large number of companies


On March 12, 2024, all employees working in Luxembourg in companies with at least 15 employees were called to elect …

Collective agreement for private bus companies

The new collective agreement for the bus sector has finally been signed!


On February 9, after lengthy negotiations and delays caused by the government’s initial reluctance to adjust the public tender budget …