Our services

Become a member and take advantage of all our services

Advice and Assistance

Do you have a dispute with your employer, a problem with the social security system, or difficulty filling out your tax return? We are here to help you.


Take advantage of a whole range of free or discounted offers for insurance, providence, medical emergencies and home savings plans.


Financial support and assistance in many personal situations guaranteed for you.

Trade union training

The skills needed for union work can be learned! We provide you with the training to do so.

Collective services

As a nationally representative union, the OGBL has a positive influence even beyond your working life.

News from the CSL

GoFormation N°2-2024

  • Remise des diplômes au Luxembourg Lifelong Learning Centre (LLLC)
  • Remise des certifications ICDL
  • Un bref « bilan » de la 1ère promotion de la formation spécialisée : Le travail social et éducatif au Luxembourg – Cadre et champs de pratiques
More informations

News from the CSL

InfosJuridiques N°7-2024
Flash sur le Droit social

  • Congé parental
  • Faillite de l’employeur
  • Licenciement avec effet immédiat
    Délégation du personnel
  • Licenciement pour faute grave
  • Droit européen
More informations


All OGBL news

OGBL, LCGB and HIFI INTERNATIONAL: working together for fair treatment of employees and progress in working conditions


The OGBL, the majority union, together with the LCGB and the management of HIFI International, are proud to present the …

Veille de la fête nationale

Les commerces doivent fermer à 18 heures


A l’approche de la fête nationale, le syndicat Commerce de l’OGBL tient à rappeler que tous les commerces doivent fermer …

Les supermarchés Leclerc Luxembourg (ex-Match) signent leur première convention collective


L’OGBL, syndicat majoritaire, le LCGB ainsi que la direction des supermarchés Leclerc Luxembourg (anciennement Match et Courtheoux) sont heureux d’annoncer …

Accord historique dans le secteur de la restauration collective

Signature de la première convention collective sectorielle


L’OGBL, en tant que syndicat majoritaire et porte-parole dans le secteur, le LCGB et la fédération patronale FEDIL Catering, ont …

Social Elections

OGBL is the big winner!


The day after the elections of the staff delegations, it’s clear that the OGBL is already the big winner. According …

Social Elections

OGBL wins over a large number of companies


On March 12, 2024, all employees working in Luxembourg in companies with at least 15 employees were called to elect …