Advice and Assistance

We are here to help you

A dispute with your employer, a problem with social security, difficulty filling out your tax return? The advisors of the Information, Advice and Assistance Service – SICA are there to help you.

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If it is a question of labor or pension and so of your economic well-being, you must receive the best possible advice in case of conflict. The experts of the OGBL advise you and defend you against your employer and the social security institutions.


You are involved in a dispute with your employer. Your tax return is giving you a hard time. You have worked in different countries during your professional career. We are here to help you!

Legal assistance

This service concerns the defense of our members’ rights in relation to :

  • labor law (problems with the employer – working time, leave, salary, warning, dismissal…)
  • and social law (illness, disability, pension, parental leave, various social allowances…).

Members of the OGBL are entitled to free legal assistance including the reception and opening of a file, advice, necessary correspondence, possible lawyer’s fees, legal and procedural costs. In order to benefit from this service, for labor law cases it is necessary to be affiliated to the OGBL for at least 12 months. This waiting period is waived if the new member has fulfilled, prior to joining the OGBL, for more than 12 months the conditions with a national or foreign trade union affiliated to the European Trade Union Confederation – ETUC or the International Trade Union Confederation – ITUC. A certificate from the previous union is required.

It should not be overlooked that this service enables the OGBL not only to assist its affiliates in their individual cases, but also to keep an overview of a constantly changing social and labor law, to fight against abuses and illegalities committed by employers, to support victims of accidents at work or of problems with occupational medicine. Legal assistance therefore makes it possible to detect the thousand facets of a complex reality experienced by employees and pensioners and to transcribe them into social demands for all workers with the aim of building a fairer world of work.

Tax declaration

Filling out your tax declaration is not always easy. Who has to declare what? Can I reduce my tax burden? What are the subtleties this year?

The OGBL keeps you informed.

Each person who is required to complete a declaration receives the 100F form either by mail or an invitation to complete it online from the ACD. The completed return must be returned by 31 December of the current year.

Taxpayers who are not obliged to file a return, but who wish to do so in order to reduce their tax burden (declaration of special expenses e.g. insurance premiums, interest charges, house purchase saving plan contributions, annuities paid in connection with a divorce, donations or extraordinary expenses e.g. sickness, disability costs, etc.), can complete a tax declaration up to 31 December.

The OGBL offers its members free assistance in filling out their tax returns. You can take advantage of this service by following the procedure described in the document downloadable here (in french) and by sending us the complete file by 8 December 2025 at the latest.

In order for the OGBL to be able to draw up your tax declaration, you must submit your tax return – the first 4 pages of the 100F form (formulaire 100F) in with your personal details – and the necessary supporting documents the following address:

OGBL – Luxembourg
Service Déclaration d’impôt
31, rue du Fort Neipperg

You can also send us the first 4 pages of the 100F with supporting documents email to provided the document is in PDF format.

In order to help cross-border workers better understand how to draw up their tax declaration, the OGBL organizes a series of tax conferences in neighboring countries every year. These conferences are open to the general public.

  • Simplification of Procedures, Modernization, and Digitalization of Tax Returns

    We would like to inform you that the Luxembourg Inland Revenue (ACD) is launching its “simplified pre-filled tax return” project in March 2025. This is a tax return pre-filled by the administration with information received from employers and government institutions (ADEM, CAE, CNAP, FNS).

    This project is not for everyone. Those eligible are taxpayers who are required to file an income tax return, but who only have ‘salary and/or pension’ income with a flat-rate minimum for special expenses, with no expenses to deduct. In other words, taxpayers who have no mortgage, personal loan, life insurance, etc.

    Eligible individuals will be selected by the administration itself.


    MARCH 3, 2025

    A voluntary invitation letter for the simplified pre-filled tax return will be sent to eligible individuals.

    APRIL 7, 2025

    Deadline for concerned taxpayers to respond:


    • Sign the letter and indicate agreement.
    • Send the document to the administration.
    • Any taxpayer who has responded favorably to the invitation before April 7 will receive, starting May 5, 2025, the proposed simplified pre-filled tax return for verification.

    Only if in agreement, it must be signed and returned to the tax administration.

    In case of disagreement (incorrect or incomplete declaration), the taxpayer must, as in previous years, choose the method of completion or submission with changes via: or paper form version.


    As in previous years, the taxpayer can choose how to fill in or send the form via: or paper form.

    For all other taxpayers, i.e., all those who are not affected by this project and who will therefore not have received an invitation from the tax authorities:

    NEW DATE FOR AVAILABILITY OF FORMS: 1st Monday in April, i.e., April 7, 2025

  • More information about the professional expenses

    Professional expenses are expenses incurred directly for the purpose of acquiring, securing, and maintaining income. All these expenses are tax-deductible if they exceed an annual lump sum of 540 € per employee:

    • professional (Chamber of Employees or Chamber of Civil Servants and Public Employees) and trade union contributions (e.g. for the OGBL);
    • expenses for typical professional clothing;
    • expenses for work tools (e.g. professional kitchen knives for chefs, professional scissors for hairdressers, educational books/textbooks for teachers, etc.);
    • professional development expenses (continuing education, master craftsman’s certificate);
    • expenses related to the maintaining of a home office (e.g. self-employed and teachers)
      >> More info on the home office ;


    Source (only in French): (21.3.2023)

Support for pensioners who make their contributions not only in Luxembourg

Many cross-border or foreign employees have worked in Luxembourg, but also in their country of residence or birth.

The employee generally contributes in the country in which he or she works. All periods of contribution in the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland or a country with which Luxembourg has a bilateral agreement are taken into account for the purposes of entitlement and pension calculation.

The pension application must be submitted to the pension fund of the country of residence. This fund will make the link with the countries in which you have worked and paid contributions.

Each country will calculate the partial pension on the basis of national legislation and in proportion to the time worked.

As the old-age insurance schemes in the various countries provide for different retirement ages, the insured person will receive his partial pension until he has satisfied the age condition laid down in the legislation concerned.

Examples of retirement ages:

  • Luxembourg, from the age of 65, if the conditions are met. Further information is available on the website of the National Pension Insurance Fund.
  • Germany, for persons born before 1964 between the ages of 65 and 67, for persons born after 1964 from the age of 67. Further information is available on the website of the Deutsche Rentenversicherung.
  • Belgium, from the age of 65 until 1.1.2025, from the age of 66 between 1.2.2025 and 1.1.2030 and from the age of 67 from 1.2.2030, if the conditions are met. Further information is available on the website of the National Pensions Office.
  • France, for persons born before 1955 between the ages of 60 and 62, for persons born from 1955 onwards from the age of 62, if the conditions are met. Further information is available on the Pension Insurance website.
  • Italy, from the age of 66 for men and from the age of 62 for women, if the conditions are met More information on the website of the Istituto Nazionale della Previdenza Sociale.
  • Portugal, from the age of 66, if the conditions are met. More information on the website of the Centro Nacional Pensões.

Contact us

For more information and in case of problems contact the SICA of the OGBL. Just call +352 2 6543 777, send a message via or come to one of our 18 agencies
