OGBL strengthens its position and makes progress at Luxair and Luxcargo Handling

The OGBL is pleased to announce that it has made good progress in the social elections at Luxair and Luxcargo Handling. As a reminder, following the transfer of Luxair’s Cargo Centre activities to the new company LCH (Luxcargo Handling) on 1st May, the social elections there had been postponed until 2nd July to ensure that these two major companies and the more than 3,000 employees concerned could benefit from adequate staff representation over the next five years.

With 35% of seats at Luxair, compared with 25% in 2019, the OGBL has made good progress at the Luxembourg airline following these social elections. In 2019, the OGBL had 5 out of 20 seats in the previous delegation elected for the unit, which then included Cargo staff, and now has 6 out of 17 seats in the new Luxair delegation. As far as Cargo staff are concerned, the OGBL obtains 40% of the seats, which is an impressive increase for Luxcargo Handling!

With these positive results, OGBL strengthens its position as a major union in the aviation sector, a strategic sector for the country. With Luxair negotiating a new collective bargain agreement and LCH taking over its cargo workers, the OGBL is more determined than ever to continue fighting for better pay and working conditions and to strengthen workers’ rights at both companies.

OGBL Civil Aviation Union press release, 4 July 2024

Une prime pour 2024 et une meilleure grille de salaires dès 2025

Ce 16 avril 2024, après un an de négociations intenses, l’OGBL, syndicat majoritaire, et le LCGB ont enfin trouvé un accord avec la direction de lux-Airport sur la mise en place d’une nouvelle convention collective de travail (CCT) pour la période du 1er janvier 2025 au 31 décembre 2027.

Cet accord prévoit une nouvelle grille de salaires attendue depuis longtemps par les quelque 360 employés de lux-Airport qui assurent la gestion et la sécurité de l’aéroport. La pandémie et la crise de l’aviation qui s’en est suivie ont retardé les négociations, mais grâce à une clause prévoyant la reprise des négociations en cas d’amélioration de la situation, les discussions ont pu reprendre début 2023.

L’accord trouvé qui représente une avancée majeure pour les salariés de lux-Airport prévoit les améliorations suivantes :

  • La prolongation de la CCT actuelle pour l’année 2024 avec le versement d’une prime unique de 2 200 euros à chaque salarié.
  • La mise en place de la nouvelle CCT à partir du 1er janvier 2025 pour une durée de 3 ans incluant la nouvelle grille de salaires avec des débuts de carrière substantiellement plus élevés et une progression salariale plus attractive pour toutes les catégories de salaire.
  • Les catégories de salaire ont par ailleurs été redéfinies et le nombre d’échelons a été étendu de 25 à 28 échelons.
  • A cela s’ajoute notamment l’intégration dans le salaire de la prime de risque qui était payée par jour de travail effectif. Cette intégration a pour effet que cette prime sera indexée, ajoutée au 13e mois, prise en compte dans le calcul des suppléments de salaire, et payée lors des périodes de congés, de maladie, etc.

La délégation du personnel est satisfaite que la direction de lux-Airport reconnaisse enfin la contribution du personnel au succès de l’entreprise. Cet accord permettra d’améliorer l’attractivité et la rétention des talents et garantira des conditions de travail plus justes et plus équitables pour tous.

Les syndicats OGBL et LCGB se réjouissent de l’accord trouvé avec la direction de lux-Airport et remercient les salariés pour leur soutien tout au long des négociations.

Communiqué par l’OGBL et le LCGB
le 18 avril 2024



Global agreement signed: jobs, working conditions and employees’ livelihoods guaranteed

At the end of May 2023, Luxair decided to withdraw from the bidding process for the ground handling licenses. As a result, the CargoCenter’s 1,200 employees had to endure a 7-month ordeal of uncertainty and concern about the sustainability of their jobs and working conditions. After numerous efforts by the unions, including numerous meetings with all parties involved and the organization of a protest picket on September 29, 2023, a global agreement was finally reached in the interest of all CargoCenter employees.

On December 21, 2023, the OGBL, LCGB and NGL-SNEP unions signed an agreement with the management of Luxair and Luxcargo Handling concerning the transfer of the staff of Luxair CargoCenter to Luxcargo Handling following the award of the licenses for the provision of ground handling services.

The global agreement signed provides for the following

  • the employees transferred to Luxcargo Handling will benefit from a job guarantee. In the event of overstaffing, there will be no dismissals for economic reasons and Luxcargo Handling undertakes to negotiate a job protection plan (PME) with the contracting unions.
  • an individual collective agreement for Luxcargo Handling will be concluded on the basis of the Luxair collective agreement, guaranteeing that the rights and entitlements of the employees will be safeguarded from the date of the transfer of personnel.
  • adequate staff representation will be guaranteed from the date of the transfer of personnel in order to support the transfer of employees.
  • an agreement has been reached on the existing agreements and extra-legal benefits specific to Luxair personnel for the transferred employees.

This is a good overall agreement as the points mentioned above address the concerns and uncertainties of CargoCenter employees and represent a significant improvement in the legal provisions governing the transfer of an activity.

It was only thanks to the perseverance of the unions and the continued support of the employees during various union actions and demonstrations that this global agreement was reached.

The global agreement reached with Luxair and Luxcargo Handling is a recognition of the impeccable work done to date by the CargoCenter staff and guarantees the continuity of their jobs, working conditions and livelihood.

Press release December 21, 2023

Meeting with the Minister for Mobility and Public Works

Today, a delegation from the OGBL, LCGB and NGL-SNEP unions met with the Minister for Mobility and Public Works. In the presence of union secretaries and staff representatives, the union delegation was able to discuss and present to the Minister for Mobility and Public Works the uncertainties and concerns of the staff regarding the transfer of the CargoCenter activity.

While the licenses for the provision of “Ground Handling Cargo” services have been granted as of December 5, 2023, the trade unions presented to the Minister for Mobility and Public Works the main points still to be resolved with regard to the fundamental issues of the staff:

A job guarantee for all employees concerned. This job guarantee will clarify and ensure that there will be no redundancies following the transfer of activities and that the company will negotiate a job protection plan (PME) with the unions in the event of overstaffing.

The establishment of an individual collective bargaining agreement for the new company, based on Luxair’s collective bargaining agreement, ensuring that the rights and benefits of the employees are safeguarded from the outset.

Adequate staff representation to support the transfer of employees as soon as they are taken over.

The guarantee of existing agreements and the safeguard of extra-legal benefits specific to Luxair employees.

The unions reminded the Minister for Mobility and Public Works of the inevitability of a major conflict at Luxair’s CargoCenter without a rapid solution to the employees’ concerns.

The discussion was very constructive and the Minister for Mobility and Public Works stressed the importance of social dialogue. After meeting the various parties involved, the Minister was confident and assured the union delegation of her full support in finding solutions to this problem.

The Minister of Mobility and Public Works concluded that the outstanding issues must now be resolved quickly in the upcoming negotiating sessions between the unions and company management.

Press release December 8

A major conflict is looming at Luxair’s CargoCenter!

October 31, 2023 was the deadline for the selection of companies for the granting of two licenses for the provision of ground handling services. Finally, after more than a month, the licenses have been awarded by the competent ministry to Luxcargo Handling S.A. and Goldair Handling S.A. respectively.

For the record, at the end of May 2023, Luxair decided to withdraw from the tender for the “Ground handling cargo” licenses. At the same time, Cargolux decided to participate in the tender through a new subsidiary.

Since then, the situation for Luxair employees at the CargoCenter has become untenable, while the transfer of activities and personnel to a new company raises fundamental questions. These employees need stability and clear answers to their concerns.

For the unions, the Minister’s actions are unacceptable as the 1,200 CargoCenter employees continue to work in total ignorance of their social benefits, working conditions and job security!

Given the extreme urgency of the situation, the unions have requested an urgent meeting with the Minister of Mobility and Public Works as soon as the new government is sworn in, but this has not yet been arranged.

The unions urge the Minister of Mobility and Public Works, representing the majority shareholder of Luxair and Cargolux, to do everything in her power to facilitate negotiations with the companies concerned as soon as possible in order to protect the assets and livelihoods of the CargoCenter workers.

For months, the unions have been informing and meeting with the various parties involved, including the former Minister of Mobility and Public Works and the companies Luxair and Cargolux.

However, negotiations to reach an overall agreement on the syndicates’ demands remained at an impasse, leading to a first protest picket on September 29.

On the eve of the end of the year holidays and less than a month before the transfer date of January 1, 2024, the 1,200 employees and their families remain in total uncertainty about their working conditions and their livelihood security.

In the absence of a rapid solution to the employees’ concerns, a major conflict at Luxair’s CargoCenter is inevitable.

Press release December 6, 2023

Minister leaves employees in limbo

At the end of March 2023, tenders were launched for the award of two licenses for the provision of “Ground Handling Passenger” services and two licenses for “Ground Handling Cargo” services at Luxembourg Airport. On October 31, 2023, the deadline set in the tender procedure for the selection of the winning companies expired. However, the Minister responsible has still not taken a decision, leaving the employees in the lurch.

For the record, at the end of May 2023, Luxair decided to withdraw from the tender for cargo ground handling licenses. At the same time, Cargolux decided to participate in the tender through a new subsidiary.

Since then, the situation for Luxair employees at the CargoCenter has become untenable. Apart from the feeling of abandonment felt by the CargoCenter staff after 27 years of loyal service to LuxairCargo, the transfer of business and staff to a new company at the end of the bidding process raises fundamental questions. These employees need stability and clear answers.

Faced with this situation, the unions immediately demanded the negotiation of an agreement to resolve 5 essential points:

  1. A job guarantee for all affected employees. This job guarantee should clarify and ensure that there will be no redundancies after the transfer of activities and that the company will negotiate a job maintenance plan (PME) with the unions in case of overstaffing.
  2. The establishment of an individual collective bargaining agreement for the new company, based on the Luxair collective bargaining agreement, guaranteeing that the rights and entitlements of the employees will be respected from the outset.
  3. Adequate staff representation to support the transfer of employees as soon as they are taken over.
  4. Guarantee existing agreements and protect non-legal benefits specific to Luxair personnel.
  5. Fair and equitable recognition of the commitment of all employees concerned over the past years at CargoCenter.

For months now, the syndicates have been informing and meeting with the various parties involved, including the Ministry of Mobility and Public Works, Luxair and Cargolux.

However, negotiations to reach an overall agreement on the syndicates’ demands remain at an impasse. In the absence of a solution to the employees’ concerns, a first protest picket took place on September 29, 2023.

Although the deadline for the selection of companies was October 31, 2023, after almost two weeks, the licenses have still not been awarded by the Minister of Mobility and Public Works, and there is no information about the date of the award.

For the unions, this situation is unacceptable because the 1,200 CargoCenter employees continue to work in total ignorance of their future! Neither their future employer nor the guarantee of their future working conditions have been clarified, although the transfer of activities is scheduled for January 1, 2024.

Given the urgency of the situation, the unions are calling on the current Minister of Mobility and Public Works to issue these licenses without delay. Such a decision would allow negotiations to begin as soon as possible in order to secure the assets and livelihoods of CargoCenter employees.

Communicated by OGBL, LCGB and NGL-SNEP,
November 13, 2023