U-bus routes serving factories to be maintained!

In recent weeks, the OGBL has asked the new Minister of Mobility to convene an emergency meeting to discuss the announced elimination of some 13 U-bus routes serving factories, including the Goodyear plant, which employs over 3,500 workers. Unfortunately, to date, this request has gone unanswered.

Despite the Minister’s refusal to meet with the country’s largest trade union, the OGBL recently learned that the 13 routes in question will be maintained.

The OGBL obviously welcomes the maintenance of these lines, but will continue to monitor the situation. In particular, the OGBL will not accept the withdrawal of any lines without first finding an alternative for the workers concerned.

Finally, the OGBL regrets the lack of communication from the Ministry of Mobility in recent weeks. In this context, the OGBL recommends that the Minister reconsider her policy towards the country’s largest union – social dialogue in Luxembourg is not a one-way street and is based above all on communication.

Press release issued by the OGBL’s Road Transport & Navigation/ACAL Syndicate, the Chemistry Syndicate and the Metal Processing Syndicate,
December 5, 2023

The Minister of Mobility must act immediately!

The Road Transport and Industry Syndicates of the OGBL have contacted the Ministry of Mobility in order to obtain answers to a large number of questions and demands of the employees affected by the announced abolition of lines serving factories in the north of the country as of December 10, 2023.

The OGBL had already requested an emergency meeting on November 14 – but to date has received no response! In less than two weeks, the affected lines will be withdrawn with no alternatives planned for the workers at the impacted factories, including Goodyear.

The OGBL notes that the Minister of Mobility is currently showing no willingness to engage in social dialogue and is simply ignoring the needs of the employees!

If the Ministry does not come up with concrete proposals for dates by the end of the week, the OGBL will take trade union action.

Press release of the Road Transport & Navigation/ACAL, Chemistry and Metal Processing Syndicates of the OGBL,
30 November 2023


Ampacet – Unacceptable attacks on the right to strike

The employees of Ampacet have been on strike since November 27 (6 a.m.). The factory, located in Dudelange, has been at a standstill since then. And it must be said that the management, backed into a corner, is using all possible means to break the strike. But to no avail, because the workers’ determination remains intact.

On November 28, management, through its lawyers, unilaterally went to the courts to obtain an injunction to evict the strikers from the Ampacet site and allow free access to the company.

This morning, management attempted to bring in temporary workers to replace the strikers. This is a criminal offense and a major attack on the constitutionally guaranteed right to strike.

After unilaterally terminating the collective bargaining agreement for its employees, after referring the matter to the National Conciliation Office (Office national de Conciliation – ONC), after requesting a decree of non-conciliation, after disregarding the Luxembourg social model, Ampacet’s management is now trampling on a fundamental right.

The Ampacet employees and their trade union, the OGBL, will not allow any attack on the right to strike to go unchallenged and will use every means at their disposal to counter such actions.

The OGBL also calls on all its members and supporters to visit the strike picket regularly and to gather there especially this Thursday, November 30, at 3 p.m. to express their solidarity with the striking employees.

Press release of the OGBL Chemistry Syndicate,
November 29, 2023

No to the elimination of bus routes serving factories!

The OGBL has just learned that 13 U-bus lines serving a large number of factories, including the Goodyear plant in Colmar-Berg, are to be abolished as of December 10, depriving thousands of workers of public transport to their place of work and also jeopardizing the jobs of the Sales-Lentz bus drivers who operate these lines.

The OGBL would like to point out that at the last meeting between the Minister for Mobility, François Bausch, and the OGBL syndicates responsible for road transport and industry, it was agreed that no routes serving factories would be withdrawn without a viable alternative being found.

However, to the best of the OGBL’s knowledge, no alternative is currently planned for the people affected, including the 3,500 Goodyear employees. The OGBL therefore considers the total elimination of the lines in question to be a violation of the agreement reached with François Bausch at the last meeting.

The OGBL calls on the Minister of Mobility to respect his commitment and to maintain the lines serving the factories!

The OGBL has also requested an urgent meeting with the Minister to find a solution acceptable to the workers concerned. If an agreement is not reached as soon as possible, the OGBL is prepared to take industrial action.

Press release of the Road Transport & Navigation/ACAL Syndicate, Chemistry Syndicate and Metal Processing Syndicate of the OGBL, November 14, 2023

Vast majority of Ampacet employees say “NO” to management’s latest proposal

Two thirds of the employees of Ampacet Luxembourg rejected the latest proposal of the company’s management during a staff consultation that ended on November 4th.

The management proposed a salary increase of only 0.3%. A ridiculous and insulting proposal, especially considering that Ampacet Luxembourg has almost tripled its profits since 2019 (3.7 million euros in profits last year).

If management persists in its refusal to substantially increase wages (the wage demand is 2.5%) and to grant 3 additional days of annual leave, the OGBL will be forced to take appropriate measures, including organizing a staff consultation with a view to a company-wide strike. It should be noted that the current conciliation procedure expires on November 8.

OGBL Chemistry Syndicate press release,
November 6, 2023

Pay increases for Contern S.A. employees

The majority union OGBL, the LCGB and the staff delegation recently signed a new collective agreement with the management of Contern S.A. for the company’s approximately 150 employees.

The new agreement covers the period from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2025 and includes the following improvements

A salary increase of 120 euros gross, spread over 3 years in equal tranches of 40 euros each, retroactive to January 1, 2023.

Additional remuneration of up to 120 euros gross per month, depending on the outcome of an assessment interview, from January 1, 2024.

Communicated by OGBL and LCGB , September 21, 2023