Nouvelle convention collective pour les salariés de la commune de Betzdorf

43 salariés
Délégués OGBL : 2/2


Le syndicat OGBL a signé la nouvelle convention collective le 5 juillet 2024.

Les améliorations suivantes ont été négociées :

  • Introduction de la valeur élevée du point. Cela correspond à une augmentation salariale linéaire de 5,6%.
  • Intégration du personnel d’accompagnement des bus dans le champ d’application de la nouvelle convention collective.
  • Introduction d’un compte épargne-temps (CET).
  • Les artisans titulaires d’un C.C.P. qui, après 15 ans de service, réussissent l’examen correspondant, peuvent demander un classement dans la catégorie E s’ils exercent effectivement ce métier.
  • Introduction d’un échelonnement de l’indemnité supplémentaire pour le remplacement d’un contremaître.
  • Publication interne à l’administration de tous les postes vacants ou nouvellement créés.
  • Augmentation de la prime du service d’astreinte à 15 points de salaire par semaine.
  • Introduction d’une pause rémunérée de 30 minutes dans le service de dispersion.
  • Introduction d’une prime de 0,5 point par jour de travail pour les salariés affectés à la conduite de bus.
  • Les travailleurs reçoivent des indemnités pour les travaux suivants dans les cimetières :
    • Pour le creusement d’une tombe, 10 points de salaire par salarié.
    • Pour l’exhumation d’un défunt/le vidage d’une tombe, par salarié 20 points de salaire.
    • Pour l’organisation d’un enterrement le samedi par salarié 5 points de salaire
    • Pour l’inhumation d’une urne ainsi que pour le dépôt dans un caveau « Caveau » le samedi par salarié 2 points de salaire
    • Aucune indemnité n’est due pour l’inhumation d’une urne funéraire ou d’un caveau, sauf le samedi.
  • Pour chaque don de sang ou de plasma, les salariés peuvent être libérés 4 heures par mois.

Nouvelle convention collective pour les salariés de la commune de Bertrange

52 salariés
Délégués OGBL : 2/3

Les syndicats OGBL et LCGB ont signé la nouvelle convention collective le 27 juin 2024 sous l’égide de l’OGBL.

Les améliorations suivantes ont été négociées :

  • Intégration de l’ensemble du personnel dans les nouvelles carrières linéaires, ce qui implique une augmentation salariale moyenne de +-5%.
  • Suppression de la limite d’âge à 46 ans en cas d’augmentation automatique des salaires.
  • Augmentation de la prime spéciale mensuelle de 14 à 15 points de salaire (330,59€).
  • Augmentation du pécule de vacances à 250€ par an.

OGBL denounces the end of public status at POST Luxembourg

The General Director of POST Luxembourg, Claude Strasser, presented OGBL representatives on March 4, 2024 with a mediation agreement signed between POST Luxembourg and the Syndicat des P&T, the CGFP’s trade union branch within POST Luxembourg.

The agreement, already signed on December 22, 2023, settles the situation of some 270 employees recruited before April 1, 2016, mainly in the middle careers, whose status on hiring was not clearly defined. With this agreement, these employees will have the possibility of changing from a private status to that of state employee.

They will be subject to a career examination and to state employee regulations. However, changing status will not necessarily mean career improvements, and the number of employees wishing to change status will be limited to a minority!

This agreement definitively fixes the private status of all current and non-eligible employees, i.e. around 97% of the workforce. This agreement also fixes the private status of all future POST Luxembourg employees, with a few exceptions agreed between the parties. Thus, for example, it remains possible for civil servants or government employees to transfer to POST Luxembourg.

The end of public postmen

POST and CGFP have also agreed to recruit future postmen and -women exclusively under private status.

The Syndicat des P&T sacrifices public status to save its seats on the board of directors

Postal law stipulates that the 6 staff representatives on the Board of Directors are determined democratically on the basis of the ratio between private and public status within the workforce as a whole. For the first time, the ratio between statuses has shifted in favor of employees, who are allocated 4 seats compared with 2 for public-sector staff.

In their February 2024 newsletter the Syndicat des P&T wrote to POST staff:

“In the said mediation agreement, the Director General is also committed to changing the law within the Board of Directors: introduction of a list, with agents under public law status and employees! Without this decision, the Syndicat des P&T would not have been able to sign the said agreement.

This mediation agreement establishes a permanent and irreversible imbalance between staff employed under public and private status, and the Syndicat des P&T sees its seats on the board of directors directly threatened. This is why the signatories have expressed the wish to change the method of electing staff representatives to the POST Luxembourg board of directors.

This means that the Syndicat des P&T has sacrificed public status at POST Luxembourg to save its seats on the board of directors.

Syndicat des P&T is misleading POST management and employees

At the time of signing, the signatory parties had committed themselves not to publish the said agreement before March 12, 2024, the date of the social elections.

The Syndicat des P&T broke the trust of POST Luxembourg by publicly announcing the signing of the agreement in February, in the middle of the election period. Even more scandalous is the fact that the Syndicat des P&T used the agreement as election propaganda, and moreover sold the agreement as its opposite, namely the guarantee of public status for all POST Luxembourg employees!

  • This agreement commits only the Syndicat des P&T.
  • The OGBL will continue to defend and demand a strengthening of POST Luxembourg’s public status!

Press release by the OGBL / Landesverband Public Service Syndicate
March 8, 2024


De Standpunkt vum OGBL zum Sträit ënnert de Personalverbänn an der Ville de Luxembourg

Léiw Kolleeginnen, Léiw Kolleegen,

Ee grousst Thema an der VDL ass am Moment de Sträit teschent de Vertrieder vum NVGL an der FGFC.

Eis Delegéiert vum OGBL sin an der lescht zu dem Thema vill ugeschwat ginn. Als OGBL welle mer Iech all iwwert eise Standpunkt dozou informéieren.

Den OGBL vertrëtt d’Meenung, dat mer kéngem a säi Privatliewen dra ze schwätzen hunn. Privat ass Privat. A berufflech hu mir als Gewerkschaft d’Aufgab, eis mat vollem Asaz fir d’ganz Personal vun der VDL anzesetzen.

Grad an der VDL, déi iwwert 4.000 Leit beschäftegt, konzentréiere mer eis, jidderee beschtméiglechst ze betreien, z‘informéieren an ëmmer een Ouer fir d’Suerge vum Personal ze hunn. Mat just engem fräigestallten Delegéierten an engem weideren Delegéiert, dee voll fir d’VDL schaffe muss, sinn eis d’Hänn natierlech méi gebonn ewéi an aner Gemenge wou mir als OGBL méi staark sinn.

An trotzdeem hu mer grad bei de leschte Lounverhandlunge bewisen, dat eis de Klengkrich tëschent de Personalverbänn an Eegeninteressi zimmlech egal sinn.

Wichteg fir eis als OGBL war et, de Kollektivvertrag vun der VDL virun de Gemengewalen unter Dach und Fach ze kréien. Eis Kompetenz duerch 232 Kollektivverträg, déi mer als OGBL verhandelen, an eis Onofhängegkeet, waren maassgeeblech fir dëse Erfolleg!

Renewal of the collective agreement for Luxtram employees

On October 3, 2023, OGBL and FNCTTFEL-Landesverband signed with Luxtram management the renewal of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) for Luxtram employees.

The new CBA enters into force retroactively as of January 1, 2023 for a period of three years, i.e. until December 31, 2025.

Among other things, the new CBA honors the commitment made in the first CBA signed with Luxtram management to improve opportunities for advancement in all wage groups. Automatic salary progression has been introduced and the end-of-year bonus has been decoupled from the appraisal system and converted into a fixed bonus. The appraisal system has also been improved to allow for advanced salary progression.

Bonuses for night and weekend work were also improved. The new agreement also introduces provisions for teleworking, medical check-ups and blood donations during working hours.

The new agreement covers 170 employees and the staff delegation is made up of 6 OGBL/Landesverband delegates.

The main improvements included in the new agreement are as follows

  • automatic payment of a 4% year-end bonus
  • automatic promotion after 7 years of service
  • possibility of promotion based on evaluation after 4 years of service
  • night differential increased from 15% to 25%
  • introduction of a Saturday premium of 25%
  • Sunday premium increased from 70% to 80%
  • possibility for administrative staff to telecommute up to two days per week
  • possibility for administrative staff on flexitime to use excess flexitime to attend medical appointments during fixed working hours – a certificate must be presented after each appointment
  • 2 x 4 hours leave per year to donate blood

Press release issued by the Public Service OGBL/Landesverband Syndicate and the Railways OGBL/FNCTTFEL-Landesverband on October 6, 2023

TICE – The future of the bus service in the South remains guaranteed

FGFC plays on staff fears

Following the publication on 11 July of a press release by the President of the Staff Delegation (FGFC), without the agreement of the OGBL/Landesverband delegates, questioning the future financing of the CTBT by the Ministry of Transport, CTBT staff were concerned about the future of their jobs. The press release stated that the Ministry of Transport would not renew the existing agreement between the State and the CTBT at the end of 2024. In the worst case, the future of the TICE was at stake.

The OGBL/Landesverband reacted immediately and informed the staff that this issue had already been clarified in April at a meeting between the OGBL/Landesverband and the Minister of Transport. The OGBL/Landesverband reiterated that, according to the Ministry, there would indeed be changes in the CTBT network and that there would in no way be any job cuts at the CTBT. The opposite is true. A study commissioned by the ministry concluded that there would be a massive increase in traffic in the south. There is talk of 90,000 additional road users by 2035. For the TICE intermunicipal syndicate, this means a massive increase in staff.

Minister of Transport declares working group to be set up

The Minister of Transport put an end to the rumor by inviting all CTBT staff representatives to a meeting on July 19. Significantly, the OGBL/Landesverband did not share the FGFC’s panic from the outset.
”D’ Zukunft vum TICE bleift ofgeséchert,” the OGBL/Landesverband wrote in a press release. “No jobs are at risk at the TICE intermunicipal syndicate,” wrote the minister in response to the emotional letter from the TICE section of the FGFC.
This was confirmed by the Minister during the two-hour meeting on July 19. Tensions were eased. The Minister emphasized the central role of the CTBT in the future mobility concept for the south of the country in the complex context of cross-border public services. A working group consisting of the Ministry, the CTBT and the trade unions will now examine what form the new agreement will take from 2025 onwards and what role the CTBT will play. Some changes are not out of the question, not least because of European commitments. This applies in particular to the role of a regional syndicate within the European framework and to direct calls for tenders for public services. In addition, CTBT managers need to think about how to work more efficiently and adapt to new realities. During the negotiations on the agreement between the state and the CTBT, the latter was more notable for its apathy than for its constructive thinking.

No need to panic. The OGBL/Landesverband focuses on the facts

The fact is that the agreement between the state and TICE expires at the end of 2024 and will have to be renegotiated before then. However, basic bus services are still guaranteed. Negotiations on new requirements related to the new mobility concept are underway. However, we cannot expect the CTBT to be dismantled.  This is also what has emerged from the discussions held in recent months with many players in the bus sector. In the context of the National Mobility Plan for 2035 and a doubling of bus ridership, it seems clear that current CTBT services will be fully utilized and even expanded in the south of the country. There is therefore no question of staff cuts or other scenarios that would threaten the CTBT.

The OGBL/Landesverband has pointed out that some things will change as a result of local and national elections. The CTBT Board will be renewed. The current CTBT President will no longer be available.

Secondly, there will be changes in the CTBT management. Due to the illness of the former Director, this position also needs to be filled.
Thirdly, we have to wait for the national elections in October and the formation of the new government. Only then will we be able to put things right. Moreover, we don’t know today what the future of the country and the CTBT will look like in 2025.

OGBL/Landesverband stays in the picture

Keyword: Finances. If all the strings were pulled and the future of the CTBT were put on the line, politicians in the government and the CTBT would have to expect a massive protest from the OGBL/Landesverband.
Despite strong fears, the future of the TICE intercommunal bus syndicate is not in doubt. Nevertheless, the south of the country has to think about the period after 2025. A working group consisting of all the parties concerned will now start working on this task.

The OGBL/Landesverband will continue to fight for the interests of the CTBT personnel and for the extension of the CTBT. And it will do so with its usual cool head and tenacity!

FGFC incorrigible – attacks on the OGBL/Landesverband as an expression of its own incompetence?

Since the successful protest action of February 4, 2020 and the achievement of a link with the provision of the collective agreement of the communes of the south for the private-law staff of the TICE oil tankers, the FGFC section has been constantly acting against the trade union work of the OGBL/Landesverband. It should be remembered that the above-mentioned protest action initiated by the OGBL/Landesverband was originally conceived as a municipal action. On the day of the action, the FGFC distanced itself from the action of the tanker workers and was conspicuous by its absence.

Instead of standing up for the interests of the employees, the FGFC is acting against the staff representatives of the OGBL/Landesverband. It is undemocratically abusing its majority in the staff delegation to exclude OGBL/Landesverband staff representatives from working groups and commissions.

In order to completely sabotage the consistent trade union commitment of the OGBL/Landesverband, the FGFC recommended to the CTBT to limit the statutory trade union leave of the staff delegates of the OGBL/Landesverband to 6 days per year. The CTBT immediately implemented this welcome FGFC recommendation.

Instead of defending the interests of the staff, the FGFGC never tires of discrediting the commitment of the OGBL/Landesverband with baseless lies; most recently in its magazine, it accused the OGBL/Landesverband of “serious incompetence, disinterest, etc.” without providing any precise, concrete evidence.

The question of the driving forces behind this highly dubious action of the FGFC must be asked: Fear of the future, jealousy, self-deception, frustration, impotence, incompetence? The FGFC is playing on the fear of the future of its staff in order to defend its own interests.