Renouvellement de la convention collective chez Hydro Aluminium Clervaux

L’OGBL, syndicat majoritaire chez Hydro Aluminium Clervaux, et le LCGB ont signé le 25 juillet 2024 avec la direction le renouvellement de la convention collective de travail qui couvre les quelque 60 salariés de l’entreprise.

La nouvelle convention collective porte sur une période de trois ans — du 1er janvier 2024 au 31 décembre 2026 — et prévoit les améliorations suivantes :

  • Augmentations linéaires de tous les salaires : +1% au 1er juillet 2024, +1% au 1er juillet 2025 et encore une fois +1% au 1er juillet 2026
  • Revalorisation de la prime de présence trimestrielle avec désormais la possibilité de bénéficier en plus d’une journée de congé annuel supplémentaire
  • Indexation de la prime d’ancienneté
  • Réduction du nombre d’années d’ancienneté requis donnant droit au 13e
  • Revalorisation de la prime de permanence à 230 euros

A noter que les négociations ont été marquées par un bon dialogue social.

Communiqué par l’OGBL et le LCGB,
le 26 juillet 2024

Signature d’un plan social chez John Zink/KochES

L’OGBL et le LCGB ont signé le 17 juillet 2024 un plan social avec la direction de l’entreprise John Zink/KochES. Ce plan social fait suite à la décision du groupe de délocaliser deux services implantés jusqu’alors au Luxembourg — une décision qui s’inscrit elle-même dans le cadre d’une plus vaste réorganisation du groupe à travers l’Europe. Le plan social concerne au Luxembourg au total 13 salariés.  

Les syndicats ont notamment réussi à obtenir à ce que l’application du plan social soit repoussée de deux mois — censé entrer en vigueur le 1er août, le plan social ne sera finalement d’application qu’au 1er octobre 2024 — donnant ainsi aux salariés concernés le temps nécessaire pour un possible redéploiement au sein de John Zink et du groupe Koch.

Le plan social négocié par l’OGBL et le LCGB prévoit également des indemnités de départ extralégales et un budget de formation pour chaque salarié concerné.

John Zink et KochES, leaders mondiaux dans la fourniture d’équipements destinés à la pétrochimie, emploient actuellement 228 salariés sur le site de Dudelange.


Communiqué par l’OGBL et le LCGB,
le 18 juillet 2024

Workers affected by a reorganization of the Koch Group

On 1 July 2024, the OGBL and LCGB were informed by the management of John Zink and KochES of the group’s intention to implement a redundancy plan involving the dismissal of 13 people in Luxembourg.  John Zink had already made fifty employees redundant in 2017.

With the reorganization of the finance and IT departments, the companies belonging to the Koch group want to cut costs at all costs.

At the meeting, the OGBL and the LCGB strongly criticized the decision to impose a redundancy plan with outright dismissals instead of negotiating a job retention plan.

It is possible for the Koch group to find other jobs for the people concerned, either internally or in Luxembourg! We must use all the means at our disposal as part of a job retention plan!

A first meeting with the management is scheduled for the 3rd of July 2024, where the management is expected to present its plan for economic redundancies.

The unions, strongly supported by the John Zink workers’ delegation, will do everything in their power to protect the jobs and livelihoods of the affected workers and their families!

John Zink and KochES, world leaders in the supply of equipment to the petrochemical industry, currently employ 228 people at the Dudelange site.

Communicated by the OGBL and the LCGB,
July 2nd, 2024

U-bus routes serving factories to be maintained!

In recent weeks, the OGBL has asked the new Minister of Mobility to convene an emergency meeting to discuss the announced elimination of some 13 U-bus routes serving factories, including the Goodyear plant, which employs over 3,500 workers. Unfortunately, to date, this request has gone unanswered.

Despite the Minister’s refusal to meet with the country’s largest trade union, the OGBL recently learned that the 13 routes in question will be maintained.

The OGBL obviously welcomes the maintenance of these lines, but will continue to monitor the situation. In particular, the OGBL will not accept the withdrawal of any lines without first finding an alternative for the workers concerned.

Finally, the OGBL regrets the lack of communication from the Ministry of Mobility in recent weeks. In this context, the OGBL recommends that the Minister reconsider her policy towards the country’s largest union – social dialogue in Luxembourg is not a one-way street and is based above all on communication.

Press release issued by the OGBL’s Road Transport & Navigation/ACAL Syndicate, the Chemistry Syndicate and the Metal Processing Syndicate,
December 5, 2023

The Minister of Mobility must act immediately!

The Road Transport and Industry Syndicates of the OGBL have contacted the Ministry of Mobility in order to obtain answers to a large number of questions and demands of the employees affected by the announced abolition of lines serving factories in the north of the country as of December 10, 2023.

The OGBL had already requested an emergency meeting on November 14 – but to date has received no response! In less than two weeks, the affected lines will be withdrawn with no alternatives planned for the workers at the impacted factories, including Goodyear.

The OGBL notes that the Minister of Mobility is currently showing no willingness to engage in social dialogue and is simply ignoring the needs of the employees!

If the Ministry does not come up with concrete proposals for dates by the end of the week, the OGBL will take trade union action.

Press release of the Road Transport & Navigation/ACAL, Chemistry and Metal Processing Syndicates of the OGBL,
30 November 2023


Unions and management at Circuit Foil agree on a job protection plan

On November 10, 2023, the OGBL, the company’s majority syndicate, the LCGB and the Circuit Foil staff delegation signed a job protection plan (plan de maintien dans l’emploi – PME) with the company’s management.

After several weeks of uncertainty, during which the syndicates demanded the implementation of a PME, the social partners reached an agreement and negotiated and signed such a plan, which is valid for a period of six months and includes a series of measures to avoid a redundancy plan and the consequent loss of jobs.

Subject to the approval of the PME by the competent ministry, the social partners have agreed on a number of measures, including the application of the legislation on early retirement due to company restructuring, voluntary part-time work and the use of structural short-time work.

It is also planned to set up a monitoring committee, composed of representatives of the social partners, to periodically review the progress of the measures taken under this SME. Should further measures prove necessary, they will also be discussed by this body.

Communicated by the OGBL, the LCGB and the management of Circuit Foil Luxembourg
November 10th, 2023