OGBL demands a job protection plan at Circuit Foil Luxembourg

On October 10th, the management of Circuit Foil Luxembourg announced to the staff delegation and to the representatives of the OGBL, against all expectations, the implementation of a social plan that would affect about 30 employees of the company.

The staff delegation and the OGBL are firmly opposed to such a redundancy plan and are instead calling for the opening of negotiations on a job protection plan (plan de maintien dans l’emploi – PME).

In view of the company’s financial difficulties since 2022, the OGBL had already proposed the introduction of a PME to Circuit Foil Luxembourg’s management last July. Unfortunately, this proposal was rejected out of hand.

The OGBL is therefore astonished that the management is now, without warning, announcing its intention to implement a redundancy plan when a PME has not yet been considered or discussed.

The OGBL calls on the management of Circuit Foil Luxembourg to abandon its plan for a redundancy scheme and to negotiate a job protection plan with the OGBL as soon as possible in order to avoid job losses.

Finally, the staff delegation and the OGBL are ready to use all the means at their disposal to save jobs at Circuit Foil Luxembourg.

Press release of the OGBL Metal Processing Syndicate, October 10, 2023

Redundancies for economic reasons avoided

Last June, against all expectations, the management of Astron Buildings S.A. announced its intention to cease production in Luxembourg over the next two years. This decision will affect approximately 80 employees.

According to management, the company’s headquarters will remain in Luxembourg, mainly for administrative, engineering and R&D activities.

For the Briand Group, which recently acquired Astron Buildings, the Luxembourg production site is no longer competitive. However, this statement is only half the truth, as the investments necessary to maintain the Luxembourg site have simply been neglected for years.

Given the urgency of the social situation, the OGBL and the LCGB had to quickly reach an agreement with the management of Astron Buildings to set up a job protection plan (plan de maintien dans l’emploi – PME) to accompany the job cuts in the most socially acceptable way

At the end of the negotiations, the unions’ main objective was achieved, as there will be no layoffs.

Under the terms of the PME, the job cuts will mainly take the form of early retirement and voluntary redundancies negotiated by the unions.

The signatories to the PME have also agreed to provide all affected employees with the best possible support in finding new jobs and overcoming administrative obstacles.

The implementation of the PME and the application of the negotiated measures will be overseen by a Monitoring Committee made up of members of the signatory delegations and members of management.

The job protection plan will initially run until March 31, 2024. It may be renewed thereafter.

OGBL and LCGB Press Release
July 26, 2023

Renewal of Collective Agreement at Ludec

After several months of negotiations, the OGBL, the company’s sole signatory union, has reached an agreement with Ludec management on the renewal of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) covering the company’s approximately 80 employees.

The new CBA will run from May 1, 2023 to December 31, 2025 and includes the following significant advances:

  • Payment of a 100th anniversary bonus to Rotarex’s parent company. This bonus will be worth up to 1,000 euros for employees with 20 years of service or more.
  • Increases in performance-related bonuses and salaries of up to 1,000 euros per year per employee.
  • Increase in shift premium for affected employees by approximately 10 cents/hour to 0.45 euro/hour.
  • An additional 2 days of vacation for all employees.
  • Increase the seniority bonus from 21 to 25 euros per year of service.
  • Introduction of 16 hours of social leave (e.g. for exams as part of studies, major personal events, medical visits or court summons).
  • Introduction of the principle of teleworking based on current legislation. For Luxembourg residents, the maximum number of days is set at 34.

Press release of the OGBL Metal Processing Syndicate
June 15, 2023

The European industrial union family meets in Thessaloniki

IndustriAll Europe’s mid-term conference was held in Thessaloniki, Greece, on May 31 and June 1, 2023, under the slogan “Power in a Union!”. It was the first major European gathering of trade union militants from industriAll Europe member organizations since the pandemic.

Nearly 500 staff delegates from industrial trade unions in 34 countries took part. The OGBL, the only Luxembourg trade union present, was represented by Stefano Araujo, member of the Executive Board, Patrick Freichel, Central Secretary of the Metal Processing Syndicate.

The conference gave delegates the opportunity to look back on two years of European trade union work since the 2021 Online Congress, and to discuss strategic priorities up to the next Congress in 2025:

– For strong and sustainable industrial jobs in Europe

– For fair wages and working conditions

– For solidarity and peace in Europe

Strong unions are the basis for defending workers’ interests and making their voices heard. Their participation in shaping industrial policy is essential to creating, transforming and maintaining quality jobs in industry. In a context of ecological and digital transition, the fight for decent jobs for all, the fight against precarious work in European industrial sectors and the guarantee of healthy and safe workplaces remain the priority of the trade union organizations present!

New collective bargaining agreement reached at Rotarex

After several months of negotiations, the OGBL and LCGB recently reached agreement with Rotarex management on the renewal of the collective bargaining agreement (CBA) covering the company’s some 900 employees.

The agreement covers a three-year period, from January 1, 2023 (retroactive effect) to December 31, 2025, and contains a number of important improvements, including :

  • The payment of a bonus for the company’s 100th anniversary (the amount of the bonus varies according to employees’ seniority with the company on May 1st 2023): 1,000 euros for seniority of at least 20 years, 800 euros for seniority of between 15 and 19 years, 600 euros for seniority of between 10 and 14 years, 400 euros for seniority of between 5 and 9 years, 250 euros for seniority of between 2 and 4 years, 150 euros for seniority of between 1 and 2 years, 100 euros for seniority of between 6 and 12 months and 50 euros for seniority of less than 6 months.
  • Increases in performance-related bonuses and salaries of up to 1,000 euros per year per employee.
  • An increase in the shift bonus of around 10 cents per hour to 0.45 euros/hour.
  • The addition of 2 extra days of annual leave for all employees.
  • An increase in the seniority bonus from 21 to 25 euros per year worked.

Communicated by the OGBL and the LCGB,
May 3, 2023

Shaping the future of Luxembourg’s industry

At the request of the unions, the OGBL, which has a majority in the sector, the employers’ association FEDIL, the Minister for the Economy, Franz Fayot, and the Minister for Employment, Georges Engel, met to analyze the situation in the sector and to ensure that the right responses were given after the two redundancy plans announced in recent weeks.

At the tripartite meeting, the employer and government representatives, as well as the OGBL, confirmed that there is no general crisis in the sector. Nevertheless, the OGBL remains cautious and wants to equip itself with the means to find immediate solutions to existing problems and to anticipate and face future challenges.

Although the redundancy plans have now been withdrawn and the social dialogue re-established, it should be noted that these companies initially disregarded the workers’ representatives’ right to information and participation. This constitutes an offense of obstruction, which can be prosecuted. It should be noted that the actors present confirmed that these were anomalies for the country and that social dialogue and job protection were still the main objectives.

Nevertheless, the OGBL will continue to denounce this situation and will not hesitate to take legal action. At the meeting, the OGBL gave a clear warning to the employers’ representatives on this issue and reiterated the importance of good social dialogue.

Renewing and strengthening social dialogue

Faced with an uncertain geopolitical context, aggravated by speculation on energy and raw material prices, a digital and ecological transition that is forcing itself upon us, and an aggressive industrial policy on the part of the Americans, it is obviously essential to act in favor of a coordinated industrial policy.

The OGBL calls for inspiration from the American model, which supports industry in its energy transition and aims to reindustrialize the country by focusing on the development and creation of well-paid union jobs. All of this is only possible if workers’ voices are heard and workers’ representatives are actively involved in the changes.

In this context, the participants called for and supported the strengthening of the existing tripartite platforms for exchange between the social partners:

  • Strengthening the role of the Comité de conjoncture, with special and regular attention to the sector in order to anticipate challenges;
  • Convening a permanent committee on work and employment (Comité permanent de l’emploi et du travail – CPTE) to improve the law on the job protection plan (plan de maintien dans l’emploi – PME);
  • Reactivating the role of the ADEM as a key player in the company monitoring committees set up to support the job protection plan (plan de maintien dans l’emploi – PME).

Social responsibility of companies

For the OGBL, an industry of the future is only possible if companies are given a sense of responsibility. In concrete terms, this means that aid, whether social (early retirement, short-time working, reimbursement of training costs, etc.) or public, must include social criteria with real quid pro quos and social commitments towards employees.

The OGBL will not support blank checks for investors!

Digital and ecological transitions will happen with us, not without us!